Friday, February 25, 2011

Just a little artwork for your day!

What I didn’t take a picture of is the artwork Lily did on that pretty blue wall you see in the background.....with that same red crayon...which in a crazy turn of events....was a WASHABLE crayon.  When does that ever happen in my life??  Washable??  It actually came off, the whole 4x4 section of scribbly red crayon.  I even got the old blue pen off as well with that white thingy, the ajax scrubby thingy that takes all stains off, and all layers of skin and paint as well.

I have to say, my three year old has now surpassed my own art skills.  She said the picture next to the sticky note is actually a tiny picture of her.  But then, she told Sam it was of him....I think it looks like a mouse!

Nice way to jump into my Friday....washable crayon.....what a concept!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Abby Johnson

is going to be on EWTN’s “The World Over” this Thursday night at 8PM.  If you don’t have cable, you can go to EWTN’s website and watch it in the archives.

Still Alive

Yep....we are still here.  This has been a difficult winter with illness.  Where last year was the year of surgery, (good riddance), this winter is turning into a blur of fever, aches, chills, cough, and general malaise that lasts for nearly two weeks once it runs through everyone.....only to start over again in 3 weeks or so.  Enough!!!! I normally do not get as sick as the kids, or sometimes not at all.  These viruses must be all new ones to us, I am equally as sick as the kids.  Thanks be to God no one has a trach right now, and on that same subject of giving thanks, Lily has always gotten a milder form of whatever is knocking us all flat.  Whew.

So I am posting a picture of Miss Lily in the snow! This is the first time she played outside with “her guys” and was all bundled up.  Just to keep it real....she did come in after about 20 minutes and told me that it was TOO COLD to play out there!!  She did the same thing at the sled hill with Daddy.  Went down the hill three times and was done.  “Daddy, it is too cold, I need a rest!”

How long until Spring??

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gabe Eats

So, this is what they do while we are at our Respect Life Meeting last night.....I guess it is better than poker or Wii, eh??

Gabe has a future in acting!